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INRS training initiatives

INRS has a large catalogue of occupational health and safety training courses.

The role of INRS

The role of INRS is to design, develop, implement, share and promote training schemes aimed at making occupational health and safety a professional skill of all company stakeholders.

The courses are intended for the following groups
OSH specialists:
  • Risk prevention engineers and health and safety inspectors from regional prevention services of Social Security (initial and continuing education)
  • Occupational health professionals (occupational physicians, occupational health nurses)
  • Health and safety professionals in companies
  • Safety and working conditions committees, staff representatives
  • Occupational health and safety instructors
Others (not specialised in OSH):
  • Company managers, human resource managers
  • Middle management, supervisors
  • Employees
  • School and university teachers
  • Vocational and technical school students
  • University students

Various training methods are used to develop occupational health and safety skills

Face-to-face training

Includes face-to-face traineeships for OSH specialists in companies; and initial and continuing education for risk prevention engineers and health and safety inspectors from regional prevention services of Social Security.

Distance learning

Distance learning includes:

  • web-based self-learning (open to all)
  • accompanied distance learning (tutored training), for OHS committee members and prevention coordinators and instructors

There were 12,400 people enrolled for a distance learning course in 2015.

Cascade learning: partnerships, agreements, accreditation, certification and more

Through initiatives aimed at developing occupational health and safety training as part of continuing professional development or initial education, INRS plays an essential role in passing on knowledge and skills related to the prevention of occupational risks.

In the area of continuing education, train-the-trainer programmes1 make it possible to entrust certain training courses to third-party training organisations outside INRS while continuing to guarantee their quality. Roughly 3,000 such accreditations have been granted to date.1https://en.inrs.fr/our-activities/training/train-the-trainer-approach.html

In the area of initial education, INRS creates national and regional partnerships to develop occupational health and safety skills as a component of different learning courses2. Target audiences are vocational and technical secondary school students, apprentices enrolled at apprentice training centres (CFA), students at engineering and management schools and those taking professionally-oriented courses at universities.2https://en.inrs.fr/our-activities/training/mainstreaming-osh-into-education.html


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Last update on 22/11/2021