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  4. Characterising the acoustic properties of complex walls and panels and influence on noise in industrial premises (selected section)

Characterising the acoustic properties of complex walls and panels and influence on noise in industrial premises


The objective of these research activities in the field of room acoustics is to develop tools useful for reducing exposure to noise. Continuing the collaboration with the Université de Lorraine (formerly the Unité Mixte “Acoustique des Parois” (“Wall and Panel Acoustics” joint unit)), the study aims firstly to continue studying the acoustic performance of industrial walls and panels.
This work will relate more precisely to obtain an alternative method for determining the acoustic diffusion coefficient of the walls and panels, and also to develop a model making it possible to study the influence of the acoustic pressure field of a wall or panel having relief in a confined environment.
In addition, an objective of the study is to use experimental approaches to develop an empirical model relating acoustic diffusion to apparent absorption and also to validate and deploy the system of measuring the characteristics of vertical walls and panels that is currently being developed at INRS.
The results will make it possible to update the absorption coefficient data banks used by INRS’s room acoustics prediction software, and to transfer the measurement techniques in situ to the CARSATs (Occupational Health and Pension Insurance Funds) technical units.
The scientific findings will be published in acoustics journals and disseminated through presentations at conferences.