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5th research conference of the PEROSH network

6 to 8 September 2023, Stockholm, Sweden

The PEROSH European network, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, held its 5th research conference in Stockholm from 6 to 8 September. Chaired since January 2023 by Louis Laurent, Director of Studies and Research at INRS, the network now has more than 2,000 experts and researchers from the 14 member institutes, who contribute to occupational health and safety research in Europe and around the world.


Researchers from the Partnership for European Research on Safety and Health at Work (PEROSH) met in Stockholm to attend the 5th conference organised by the network from 6 to 8 September. This event, which marks the 20th anniversary of European collaboration, was of particular significance, with the presence of institute directors, former directors, stakeholders, representatives of EU-OSHA, the ILO and the European Commission's Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion.

Role of PEROSH

PEROSH aims to create and exchange new knowledge and practice in occupational health and safety (OHS). Based on research, the work is made accessible to policy-makers, organisations, employers and employees, and other stakeholders in Europe, with a view to assisting decision-making on occupational health policy and practice and promoting the development of healthier and safer workplaces and work situations.

A programme of joint research activities, introduced in 2009, creates synergies between the members, enables different approaches to be compared according to the cultures of each, and promotes exchanges of information. This research programme is complemented by other collective actions, including exploratory workshops on emerging topics and scientific conferences, such as the one on well-being at work organised every two years. Between six and 10 joint activities are carried out each year. 

The network's cross-cutting objectives are to

  • to produce factual elements used at national level to support decision-making ;
  • to collectively develop tools for use by OHS professionals and companies to support health and safety at work;
  • develop data management methodologies to enable the systematic capture and use of research and survey data at national and transnational level; 
  • compare health and safety practices to identify new avenues for exploration by the wider research community.


Over the years, collaboration within PEROSH has resulted in more than 40 joint research publications, exchanges of researchers, the development of methodological guidelines, the creation of databases, position papers and advocacy work with the European Commission and Parliament in the development of occupational safety and health policies.

Programme of the 5th Conference

The three themes of this 5th research conference were "organisation and health and safety at work", "anticipating new risks" and "new techniques for analysing exposure and hazards". They were addressed through 69 presentations, eight of which were given by INRS researchers, as well as six plenary presentations. Of particular note is the fact that 26 of the presentations were given by young researchers from various European institutes, including three from INRS. 
This year's topics included mental health, telecommuting or hybrid work, platformisation, biological agents, techniques for assessing exposure to chemical substances or the hazards they represent, work on aerosols, particularly silica, and nanoplastics. Work on technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics and exoskeletons were also discussed. 



The PEROSH network

The PEROSH network comprises 14 institutes from 13 countries: the Austrian Social Insurance for Occupational Risks (AUVA), the German Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA), the Polish Central Institute for Occupational Protection - National Research Institute (CIOP-PIB), the Finnish Institute for Occupational Health (FIOH), the UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE), the Italian Workers' Compensation Authority (INAIL), the German Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (IFA), the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (INSST), the National Research Centre for the Working Environment (NFA), the Swedish Agency for Expertise on the Working Environment (SAWEE), the National Institute of Occupational Health (STAMI), the Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), the Centre for Primary Care and Public Health (Unisanté) and the Institut national de recherche et de sécurité (INRS France).


PEROSH : 20 years

Last update on 11/07/2023
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